#GetInked We Are Doing Our Bit To Encourage You To Vote in LS14
At KuberBox.com, we are not just about Diamond Jewellery. We also think of ourselves as concerned citizens of India & we feel it’s us who creates this system. This system that you create decides your fate for the next 5 years. And, once you start truly believing that it’s your actions that decide your future, you will take the necessary steps to ensure that your future is safe. The first step towards this is to Go Out & Vote.
We have the Los Sabha Elections going on in our country now & now is the time when your action will decide your future. To vote is one of your fundamentals right and we just feel that you must exercise it at any cost. This is why we want to encourage you to vote and share this important activity with all your friends & with us at KuberBox. When you share your voting pic by tagging @KuberBox, we will offer you a FLAT 15% Off on your next purchase on KuberBox.com.
Therefore, I urge you to #GetInked. Not for your colony. Not for your city. Not for your country. For Yourself.
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#GetInked We Are Doing Our Bit To Encourage You To Vote in LS14 by Sourav